Thursday, February 15, 2007


We're getting our first Noreaster in more than two years. It started dumping snow here after midnight and by 6am this morning every school in Vermont has been closed. The storm is supposed to run straight through till tomorrow. Right now, the house pygmee is still asleep, Bill's on his way to work and I'm sitting here bundled up and wishing I hadn't offered to do chores so he could get to work earlier. I know, though, that by the time I reach the barn door, I'll be in heaven.
Ok, the house pygmee is now in my lap, hair all ascew, and she's wrapped inside my bathrobe, her arms running down the length of it's sleeves and her hands resting on my moving fingers. She's watching letters jump onto the screen. I've talked her into bundling up and doing chores with me. The bribe of hot chocolate afterwards might have been the clincher.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So are you done digging out yet?