I've been awarded the thinking blogger award by SelfTaughtArtist. Thank you! It's nice to know that someone enjoys reading me!
In turn, I need to pass the baton to five other bloggers that I enjoy reading. Shouldn't be too hard. Make sure to check out the instructions on the bottom of the post to see what comes next.
Misplaced in the Midwest ~ I understand this is not your first thinking blogger award this week. Take a bow! I have to say that it's been amazing reading about the huge change you're about to embark on. Your writings about the coffee shop buddies takes me right back to my hometown roots. I plug in every day to see what new gemsword entrees your plating up.
Self Taught Artist ~ Yes. I'm giving it right back. You introduced me to blogs and you keep me on my toes about keeping the posts coming and you make me feel wonderful about writing. AND you give me an insight into what the life of an artist entails. Something I'd never have considered, considering that bird and dog drawing thing...........(see your comments page re: art trauma at a very young age!)
Penelope Twist ~ I only wish I could have been so in touch and so eloquent when I was a teenager. I can't say enough about what a gift you have with words. Keep the words flowing and your heart open...........
BoobsInjuriesandDr.Pepper ~ Well, for thinking, yes, but mostly just for making me laugh with each new post.
Sharala ~You are definately the most dedicated blogger I've come across. Since I've been tuning in, I've enjoyed your photography more and more. I've enjoyed seeing the world, especially the world of Chicago, through your lens.
Congratulations, you won a Thinking Blog Award. Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. The participation rules are simple:1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think. 2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme. 3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
I am touched. It is nice to know someone out there enjoys reading and viewing.
It's funny, I never thought of myself as prolific.
you deserve it for sure, no one else writes like you do and certainly no one i know has the sort of life you do!
Thanks- Your blog fascinates me. What is it with Stowe and interesting people?
Are you going to write about the shaman led sweat lodge (read about it on penny's site)? Just to warn you I've been know to steal experiences and pass them off as my own.
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