My head is full of head cold and my back is aching from yesterday's deep tissue massage. I'm on a mission to restore my body to health. It's a slow, slow mission. I'm also in the midst of a spring cleanse, which basically means I'm cleaning out random body parts by various techniques I won't divulge just now. But the past week or so it's been no meat, no wheat, no dairy. I did cheat today with pita chips in my soup.
Why the dollar signs?
We went to see our "bank lady" today and I just had to include all the affore mentioned body stuff to drive home how very hard it is to wrap my head around numbers when my body is in a clouded state of detox and ache. I lost most of my comprehension for math in the fourth grade when we got into long division and it's been all downhill since then, really, which is why I'm so manic right now about Ella understanding and memorizing her multiplication facts.
We went to see our bank lady about the land next door that has come up for sale. We wanted to sit with her and our bank file and figure out if it's going to be at all possible for us to buy this land..... without having to sell the property we own, anyway. Our goal would be to purchase this land, sell off the road frontage peice, put that money toward building our own place and then selling the property we own right now and lay all we get from that down on the new mortgage.... which would almost, if not totally, pay it off. Sounds dreamy.
But the numbers aren't all there. Not yet anyway.
On top of that, our local coffee shop, the heart of our little village town, has just been offered to me for a really reasonable rate. I considered purchasing it the last time it came up for sale but they were asking far too much and so I wrote if without much hesitation. Now, though, it seems like a good deal. It would mean leaving my secure but totally unsatisfying job that is forty five minutes from home in an incredibly elite and obnoxious tourist town to work only ten minutes from home in the company of my familiars.
But do I want to be a business owner?
The truth is.............
The truth is.............
I'm really kind of lazy. I like the fact that I come into work here and have so little to do. I have time to blog and read and visit with friends and go to the this town's coffee shop and slack off. I love feeling like I can get away with something. Anything. It's the really juvenille part of me that sneaks out in weird little ways. If I ran this coffee shop, I'd have to learn how to work a Profit and Loss statement, how to do inventory and ordering. I do that at this current job but at a much smaller rate. I take care of payroll and hiring (and firing) here but it doesn't belong to me. I can walk away. I have no real financial investment.
I love picturing myself behind the counter at the coffee shop. I love thinking of how I'd redo the counter and repaint some of the walls. There's a whole back room that is 3/4 converted into a kitchen space. I'd open for breakfast and serve crepes.
So, there's alot in the mix right now. And in twenty minutes I have to meet a client for a massage and hope that I can make it through the whole hour without dripping boogers on his backside.
One thing at a time.
I love that you admit you are lazy. And I love that you have an opportunity to make a change if you want. It really sounds cool...maybe you will hire me and I can slack off on my art.
I started my own business 4-1/2 years ago. I love working for myself and I feel proud that I (partly) support one other person by so doing. It is different being a doctor--no inventory for one thing but I have few regrets. The initial insecurity was hard.
I'm late in reading this post. Very exciting! Very scarey! It's a tough call- it sounds like change is in the air for a lot of people.
Isn't it great that, while we don't have to necessarily take the chances, we have enough gumption to seriously consider huge, life- altering courses of action. Out of the comfort zone an into the fire.
Very cool!
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