Sunday, April 01, 2007

It's What's For Dinner

Looks like I missed my Saturday post....and after all that fuss I made about one post a day.
My excuses are valid, though. I spent Friday night at the airport until nearly 1:30am and then drove an hour home from there. Saturday afternoon was spent doing morning chores, overlooking (kind of) a playdate for Ella and then off to work for four and a half massages.

A hometown friend of mine, whose home base has been Vermont as long as it's been mine, flew in from New Zealand on Friday night. He would have been here Thursday evening but the plane he was due to leave New Zealand on was struck by lightning while waiting for take off on the runway. A bit of a setback, yes. All the connecting flights from there were long gone when he arrived in LA and then New York. Poor guy was just an entire day off from his familiar calendar by the time he arrived on this other side of the world.

Now, the upside of having this friend stay with us, aside from the fact that we love his company of course, is that he's an incredible chef. He spends most of his year, for the past three or four years, anyway, down on the South Pole at a scientist colony. He's the vegetarian chef at the base. He's even been featured in Vegetarian Times. If I had the energy, I'd link. I'm sorry, I just don't this morning. He told us, though, that if we host him while he's in town, he'll cook four days a week.

So, after my long afternoon doing massage, I came home to an absolute spread on my kitchen table. Lightly breaded chicken with apples and fresh red currants and in a Frangelica glaze, roasted beets, a simple egg noodle pasta with greens and mushrooms, a chopped green salad with tomatoes and tahini yogurt dressing and, for dessert, baked apples. Oh, and this morning I woke up to blackberry muffins for dessert. Can he stay forever? (dejavu)

1 comment:

m.m.crow said...

still can't sign in on my puter