Thursday, February 15, 2007


Whereas yesterday, the snow was up to Ella's waist by sundown.... this morning she jumped from a snowbank into the pasture and couldn't move from there. Just had to stand there, like she was in a straightjacket. She asked me to dig her out but I had little sympathy, as I'd been out in that knarliness for two hours by then, shoveling a path through waist high snow to the barn and then from the barnyard door to the pile of composting cow shit. I knew I had at least six 5 gallon buckets of poop to carry out there so I figured I may as well make a comfortable path rather than trudge through each time. Els came out to roll around and have fun just as I was finishing barn chores and starting to tackle the project of digging out my car and making a walkable path to the mudroom.
In the barn, I herded the adult girls out into the yard to devour their hay. They each stuck their nose out the door and, like choreography, turned to look at me as if to ask if I were serious. In my mind, all I can think of is the Little House books when Pa would have to tie a rope from the house to the barn, lest he get lost in the swirling whiteouts in between.
Bill's at the mountain making turns. He called at 8:30 this morning and they were still digging out the lift stations.
This is the kind of snow that makes for spring floods. How's that for looking ahead? I guess I should go out and dig Ella out of the pasture now........

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