It's been years since I've seen them. I got in touch via email when they ran into a good friend of mine at one of the band's reunions. We set up a time to meet on my trip home.
The older of the two, an incredible artist ended up marrying the drummer, had two children, made their best go of the marriage and then decided to let it go after many years. She moved back to the area, put herself through school, bought a house and, out of the blue, met a man from South Africa and fell in love. During my visit, I got to meet their beautiful daughter, Rosabella. The following poem is about this sweet girl.
Rosey rises,
sleepy eyed,
Africa in her blood.
Her mama's got the magic of the cosmos
where her paintbrush meets the canvas
and her auntie must have been dropped
from the branches of some pixie's family tree.
I'd forgotten how deeply her eyes hold you
from one thought to another.
all in red,
curious and wordless,
watchful and walking.
Rosey McNosey
all the world about her.
Two continents for lineage.
Old mine shafts beneath her toes
and an African grandma
in the place where her imagination goes.
Rosey rises,
sleepy eyed,
sparkling mama in her heart
and Africa in her blood.
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